Origin: Marked in Space

When they were children, these youngsters all found their separate ways into space. They met there, thousands of light-years from Earth, at the Heptannual Krixzaran Bazar.

At that great meeting of minds, future Krixzaran leaders like X. Zian mingled with luminaries such as R. Müller. They were watched with hungry eyes by scoundrels like L. Karimov, while an uneasy truce held with Krixzaran foes like F. Webb, a human caught up in the Vallaq’s war for freedom from Krixzaran rule.

Afterwards, they were taken on a tour of the Krixazaran Grand Observatory together, and when the guide realised he was in the presence of no less than three rare humans, and rarer still, a human-Krixzaran hybrid, he took great delight in pointing the primary telescope towards Earth to show these disparate individuals the home of their common ancestors, a beautiful blue-green world.

That night they spoke uneasily before heading their separate ways, returning to their wars and struggles. Knowing that there were other humans in this corner of the galaxy came as a surprise to all of them when each of their own journeys here seemed so unlikely. They don’t yet know that they’re bound to be reunited once again, at Mistry Academy.

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04: L. Karimov

Power: Vibration

You were just ten years old when you came across an alien spaceship, and as a restless spirit who had spent your whole life looking to the stars, there was nothing that could have stopped you from exploring it. It was only once the ship took off with you aboard that you realised you might never be able to go home. Rampaging around the galaxy from one questionably lawful venture to another has been a wild ride that you’ve loved every minute of, but you’ve also known loneliness without your old friends and family, seldom meeting anyone like yourself. Now you’re excited about coming back to Earth, and though you know you’ll miss your adventures, you can’t wait to be around other human beings again, to find friends like yourself, and maybe something more.

04: L. Karimov Read More »

14: R. Müller // Backlash

Power: Induce Emotions

Genius has always run in your family: you can trace a lineage of exceptional individuals all the way from the Age of Enlightenment to your parents who invented the teleporter that took you and them to space. You’ve been surrounded by marvels of technology for as long as you can remember and you want nothing more than to contribute your own advancement to galactic knowledge. But since your power developed, it’s become harder and harder for you to remain detached and focus on logic and reasoning like a true person of science ought to. Your power riles up your emotions and those of people around you. Eventually, though you didn’t want to leave your life at the heart of interstellar discovery, you agreed to return to Earth and your parents’ friend Dr Mistry to learn to control what you can do.

14: R. Müller // Backlash Read More »

24: X. Zian [Reserved]

Power: Disappearance

You’re literally part alien, strange even to people living with the reality of superpowers. Six of your parental donors are renowned members of the Krixzaran League whose illustrious footsteps you were being brought up to follow in, but the last was a human, Dr Anya Mistry. Her genetic strain has always made you unusual among your peers, but perhaps you wouldn’t begrudge her so much if she’d just been around to explain how you were different when you were growing up. When your Mark appeared, the rest of your parental hept decided to send you to Earth so she could guide you through the development of your powers. You didn’t want to leave the only home you’ve ever known. Now, you’re terrified that you’re going to stand out more than ever when you’re surrounded by humans.

24: X. Zian [Reserved] Read More »

44: F. Webb // Felstrike

Power: Lightning Reflexes

You were in a hot air balloon with your family above Buenos Aires when the air shimmered purple and you were thrust through a transdimensional portal to the other side of the galaxy. Unprotected from the vacuum of space, you only survived because a ship of Vallaq salvagers hauled you into their bay. It was too late for the rest of your family. The crew took you in, but the Vallaq’s life was not easy, struggling for freedom against the Krixzaran League’s expansion. You became caught up in their conflict, and when your Mark gave you lightning reflexes you became an invaluable asset to your crew – so much so that when the Vallaq were finally defeated, the Krixzarans insisted that you be sent back to Earth. Now you’re home, but you’ve once again found yourself fighting for your freedom, and you’re not sure if it’s worth it anymore.

Content warnings: War, child soldiers

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