Origin: The Renegades, New Jersey

Glen Rock, New Jersey, is where your parents live if they can’t afford to live in Chatham. Notable facts: in the center of town, there’s a rock, carried by a glacier during the last Ice Age. That’s all that’s notable about Glen Rock.

When the children’s Marks started showing, teachers, counselors, and parents showered them with support and concern. After yet another “we’re here for you” lecture, Park and Gill decided to leave. They found a stalled housing development, named it the Heap and spent all night talking about their dreams. Next day, Gill dragged all five Marked there. They drank cheap alcohol into the night.

A month later, Sola built ice sculptures for people to slide down and a video went viral of Mendel pushing over a house. Dozens of teens arrived for all-night parties, which started with flashy power displays and ended when they shared a psychic dreamscape. They had made a beautiful thing together.

That fall, the Mayor pledged to stop the “corrupting” influence in their city, calling the teens “Renegades”. The students embraced the name, protesting en masse. By the next morning, most of Main Street was wrecked, the glacial rock was split in two, and the Marked had been spirited away by Dr. Mistry.

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06: E. Sola

Power: Cold Breath

When Sola’s parents were convicted of financial fraud, they moved to Glen Rock to escape the papers, the protestors, and most, but not all of, the paparazzi. Sola feels their parents only thought of themselves, never understanding how tough the move was for Sola. When Sola started manifesting their powers, it was a release. They started small, creating ice sculptures. Now, then can create huge walls, even throwing icicles.

Sola wants to be a superhero, someone who makes the world better. They have been practicing their hero voice and thinking a lot about names and outfits. They want to erase their parents’ legacy and make one of their own.

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16: L. Acosta

Power: Reshape Molecular Bonds

From the moment Acosta first got Marked, their parents were scared of them. Thinking back, Acosta fears their parents were right. Acosta’s powers are scary. When Acosta focusses, they feel the bonds that join everything together. Their science teacher would call it molecules, but it feels something more fundamental, more different. All Acosta knows is that they can reshape things when they use their powers.

They are scared of what they can do. They have tried to warp and remake objects, but it easily goes wrong: once, while practising in their bedroom, they watched their arm starting to disintegrate and had to spend the rest of the night remaking it. Then there was the time that Acosta tried to protect those who protested against the Mayor, but couldn’t stop the police arresting the protesters. For the moment, Acosta keeps their powers tightly in check, but wonders what would happen if they let loose with their full potential.

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26: J. Park // Slipstream

Power: Psychic Dreamscapes

Park’s parents were cleaners, who saved meticulously to buy their house in New Jersey. They always said that, one day, Park would do something great. Park believed them. Even before getting the Mark, Park had visions, seeing how people lacked empathy for each other. That is Park’s gift: they can join people, anybody who is touching them, into one shared psychic world. Sometimes, this power has been tough, as Park bore the weight of other people’s hurt. Often, though, it was beautiful.

Having helped so many, Park knows that they can bring about a just world if they can bear the responsibility of making it happen. That is why they left Glen Park and the Heap for Mistry Academy. They loved The Heap, they loved the secrets, they loved their parents, but the world needed Slipstream. So, without telling anyone, they slipped away.

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36: W. Mendel

Power: Incredibly Strong When Unobserved

Even as a child, Mendel felt invisible. At school, Mendel always had a crush on someone older or beautiful or rebellious, who walked past without noticing. When their Mark emerged, they were excited that they would get extraordinary powers. But, for a long time, no powers came. Despondent, they started going for long walks on the edge of town. Then they discovered their power: they were extraordinarily strong, but only when no-one was looking.

While walking, Mendel discovered the Heap. Mendel even showed their powers there: everyone would look away, while Mendel moved something massive. Then someone accidentally left a smartphone recording, which, when the video was posted online, clearly showed Mendel pushing over a house. Nevertheless, Mendel is proud of their powers and wants to learn more about them at Mistry.

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46: K. Gill

Power: Sense Lies

In the cheap end of Glen Park, Gill’s parents argued endlessly. As objects smashed on walls, Gill hid in the basement. This has filled Gill with bitterness, suspicion and mistrust: people were friends one day, enemies the next. One night, Gill’s powers manifested, allowing them to spot lies. Gill confronted their parents, calling out every lie they heard. Gill’s father began to weep and their mother went ashen.

From then on, Gill spent more and more time at the Heap. But Gill’s powers were torture: every time somebody lied, their voice became a screech. Gill decided they could no longer be silent, telling people every time they lied, and arguments flared more than ever. Now at Mistry, Gill tries to control their powers with meditation and iron self-discipline. Perhaps, here, Gill can finally find people they trust.

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