Training Team: Drizzle

Life’s not fair. No-one knows that better than the students nicknamed Team Drizzle: their real name is Team Thunderstorm, but the moniker has stuck. They have all the downsides of being Marked and few of the perks. But, beneath it all, perhaps they are the true heroes of Mistry Academy.

In Team Drizzle, you’ll tell a story of solidarity in a world that barely credits you with humanity. You are underdogs in a school of underdogs and no-one expects anything from you. Maybe you will prove them wrong. And, if not, you have each other.

You’re a group of both seniors and juniors, banding together against the odds. Your teacher has been given the task of keeping you safe. Along the way, perhaps they’ll teach you how to defend yourselves.

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31: M. Joseph // Pika

Power: Pika Form

M. Joseph is the sibling of T. Joseph and the cousin of W. Joseph. They grew up in Mountain View and Wonder Park, two of the roughest neighbourhoods in Anchorage. Popular and a good student, M. Joseph was Bartlett High School’s Bear Paw Prince/Princess last year. As the big sibling, M. struggled to watch over T. and keep them out of trouble, with mixed results. Their Mark manifested early, before their sibling’s, and it is, in M’s opinion, utterly amazing. M. can transform into a collared pika, a nimble and resourceful rodent ubiquitous on mountainsides all over south-central Alaska. In pika form, M. is fast as lightning, small enough to be unnoticed and to slip through the smallest cracks, and has excellent night vision. Sometimes, other people think this power is a joke, but to M., it is an amazing gift, and they are both proud and humbled by it. They have solemnly pledged to use it only for good. M. Joseph is a genuinely kind person who sees themselves as the nurturing glue holding any team together.

Content warnings: Narcissism, delusional thinking

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32: A. Rodenbeck // Echo

Power: Air Manipulation

Rodenbeck was a small-time shoplifter, living on the streets and snatching food to survive. Over time Rodenbeck had become adept at sneaking into places without being seen and had developed a genuine talent for trespassing. To pass the time Rodenbeck would walk along the railway tracks and add their tag to the walls and bridges. Sometimes, they stayed with the homeless runaways and Marked at the Old Chapel, bringing food in return for a safe place to stay. When Rodenbeck’s Mark came, it was devastatingly painful. For weeks, they stayed at the Old Chapel, the others protecting them as they gradually developed their powers. Sound would rebound back at them from every available surface, leaving them in a perpetual cacophony. The other Marked at the cemetery would cover them in blankets and insulating materials to help them get some sleep. This was enough for Taylor and the others to realise Rodenbeck needed help. Under the cover of darkness Rodenbeck, Taylor and Jordan travelled to the Mistry academy to find someone who could calm their powers.

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33: J. Molnar // Microwave

Power: Gentle Warming

Your French mother is a legendary vigilante turned EPIC member; your Hungarian father is a lobbyist for Marked rights. In theory, their combined powers passed down to their only child would produce a Mark of superior quality. But fate seemed to be laughing that day. Your Mark produces a laser beam that gives a pleasant warmth rather than devastating and fearsome destruction. Your parents felt a mixture of anger and guilt and could not accept that they would be the laughing stock of all of their friends. They tried to push you to overcome the limits of your power but to no avail. Before your power came in, your keen intellect and calculating mind meant you were the best of your peers at the challenges you faced. Now, the ones that mock you call you Microwave. You prefer simply Wave. You are tired of trying to prove yourself to your family, your friends, even the Academy. Perhaps all you really want is to accept your limits; accept yourself for who you are.

Content warnings: Family pressure and emotional abuse

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34: T. Malik

Power: Electricity (Power Broken)

Some Marked get to be superpowered supermodels. Malik wasn’t so lucky. An avid martial artist until their Mark activated, Malik was hoping that they’d still be able to follow their Olympic dreams – and then it turned out that they shocked themselves whenever they touched someone too hard, so that became a no-go. Their condition was of interest to Noasha Labs, which was working with a similar power with Kouma. The lab promised to make a cure for Malik. Malik agreed, joined the lab and spent their time there trying to make up for their lost passion with new ones, gaining quite an aptitude with the high-tech items lying around the lab and becoming an accomplished technician, but it wasn’t the same. There’s not much hope in Malik that Mistry Academy can cure what the Labs couldn’t, and they’re trying to face up to living the rest of their life with this condition.

Content warning: Malik’s powers are a disadvantage to them

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35: L. Varga

Power: Mind Melding

Varga was born in Budapest, and grew up as a petty thief – all the while looking to get themselves and their mother out of the slums. When they were in juvenile detention, they were ‘disappeared’ because Operation V wanted to try their serum out on a person already Marked. Varga didn’t die, their powers actually increased, but at the expense of their body. They are physically weak now, no stamina at all, but they can sink into the mind of anyone they touch and read everything. That terrified the doctors at the Lab who kept Varga isolated in solitary confinement – which nearly sent them mad. When the Lab burned, Varga ran, because anything was better than that, even dying alone in the mountains when their body betrayed them. Luckily, Atkins rescued them but now Varga knows their secrets too…

Content warnings: Solitary confinement, isolation, physical weakness, homesickness

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36: W. Mendel

Power: Incredibly Strong When Unobserved

Even as a child, Mendel felt invisible. At school, Mendel always had a crush on someone older or beautiful or rebellious, who walked past without noticing. When their Mark emerged, they were excited that they would get extraordinary powers. But, for a long time, no powers came. Despondent, they started going for long walks on the edge of town. Then they discovered their power: they were extraordinarily strong, but only when no-one was looking.

While walking, Mendel discovered the Heap. Mendel even showed their powers there: everyone would look away, while Mendel moved something massive. Then someone accidentally left a smartphone recording, which, when the video was posted online, clearly showed Mendel pushing over a house. Nevertheless, Mendel is proud of their powers and wants to learn more about them at Mistry.

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54: R. Haley // Spriggan

Subject: Survival
Power: Bark Skin

Haley can still remember the exact moment it happened. Walking home from the pub in Cork City, Ireland, a sandwich dangling from their hand, thinking back on the good craic, when a bus just came out of nowhere and plowed into them! The next thing Haley knew, they were upside down, their skin was made of bark, and they’d even grown tiny roots into the ground. Dr. Mistry found Haley hiding in the woods a week later, an axe stuck in their butt by a very confused camper, and brought them to the Mistry Academy.

The Academy taught Haley how to live with their new body, and how to use their barky exterior and weird roots to help. And help they would. The battle against Beacon was a dismal failure; but it taught Haley one thing: how dangerous the world is. Haley’s learned that final lesson well, and they’ve returned to the Academy to pass that lesson on to the next generation of students.

Still miss that sandwich though.

Content warning: Physical deformity

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